HILARIOUS: A Little Boy Calls 911 Because He’s Hungry. What Happens Next Will Be Your Favorite Story This Week
Here’s something you don’t see every day.
In Wyoming, Michigan, a five-year-old boy called 911 last Sunday. The reason? He was hungry and hankerin’ for Mickey D’s.
The boy’s grandmother couldn’t feed him because she was sleeping, so he picked up a long-ago deactivated telephone. He gave a ring to the only number the phone would still call: Emergency Services.
The little go-getter — whose name is Iziah — asked the dispatcher, “Can you bring me McDonald’s?”
Dispatch contacted Kent County Police Officer Dan Patterson and asked if he would check on the ambitious tyke.
On his way to the residence, Dan stopped by McDonald’s and picked up some goodies.
The cop explained himself to local WZZM 13:“I figured, ‘Hey I’m driving past McDonald’s on my way there, and I might as well get him something.'”
Makes sense.
Fox reports:(Officer) Patterson said when he showed up, Iziah was initially worried that his grandmother would be upset that he’d called the police and asked him to leave.
But the five-year-old’s grandmother was grateful to the kind lawman for his generous deed. And Dan asked Iziah to only use 911 for emergencies.
But hey — sometimes a need for your favorite burger feels like an emergency.
What a great story. Sometimes those we pay to keep us safe go above and beyond the call of duty.
Kudos to Dan Patterson for a job well done.
I think I may hit 3 random digits, and see if someone’ll bring me a bag of In-N-Out.
What’s your emergency food of choice? Let us all know in the Comments.
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